Trusted proxy provider for IPv6 address?

Hi, Im staying at a airbnb and the home address has a IPV6 address which is not supported by the instagram proxie provider I am using for the automation.

Any good proxy providers that support IPV6 ? Thanks in advance!

I can recommend a 4G proxy :slight_smile:
Please, if it helps:

@Arthuditu Lol why are you posting these same 4 links on so many threads? Spammy much?

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Why not use username, password authentication this could be much easier to figure out with all providers!!!

I help them to search and do not constantly post new topics :slight_smile:
I am helpful.

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what u mean???

I am using ipv6 proxies, but expect some blocks, though

dont use ipv6 for now.
It will get you banned in no time.