Who can restore a disabled instagram account!

I do, and I would like to ban you, but I can’t ban you further. So theres that.

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I’ve yet to see someone innocent.

Are you a judge or something?
or just attention seeker?

and why I have seen a lot and got reactivated?
According to your theory,
If everyone was banned for some reason,
and there should be none of those will be reactivated.

And yet, there were plenty of accounts were reactivated.

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I for one, am super happy that your IG was banned. I hope your gmail fills up with spam. I’ve actually listed it in 14 spam databases, so enjoy the inbox full of shit.

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No one really cares your feeling.:joy:
I am sorry.

And I can tell you, not one person gives a shit about your IG account either. Not sorry.

So please do not write any reply in this post anymore.

Here is the place for discussing IG BANNING.

Dude, stop spamming. Go back to whoville or where ever you came from. And take your other IG with you please.

You just have to keep appealing, no one can help you get your page back unless they work for Instagram themselves and I highly doubt it don’t get scammed hun. Keep appealing


thanks for the advice :slight_smile: I’ll keep sending appeals with the code, the only thing that worry me is I can’t use two times the same email even if I wait…

I got deactivate for the same reason but we get it back. Just gotta stay on them

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Thats good!
Did you use the same email to receive all those emails?

I got my account (the same account) reactivated twice. JUST. KEEP. APPEALING. Eventually, someone from Facebook contacted me. Not even the Instagram team.

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just trying to level up…

Just so you know, useless comments, bumping threads with comments like this for no reason etc will not help you gain a level.


"My account got disabled!! I need help!"
Folks, at one time or another Instagram, will/might drop the ax on your account. Some have a piece of thread along their ass and stick the butt up really high than account gets disabled and they wonder why? Others ‘borrow’ a post and use it, hit with a disabled account. Others follow thousands a day and baam…gone.
Before crying 'HELP! ME, HELP ME! ’ stop and think. Why it was banned in the first place. Sex, copyright or many actions( spamming). 2nd. Only you can get it back, one time often does not work…go have to repeal many times before you get it back. One account I have I remember 13 tries to get it back. Posting here will not help, Posting to Instagram more to get it back will…FYI


The email I used to CREATE my account is diffeeebt than the email on the account at the time it got disabled. Which one do you think I should use?

use the first, original one.


Sidenote: This is another reason why people should create a list on a land that THEY own
ex: an email list

No matter if your account gets disabled, you still have access to that audience you build over time.


@conmonkey please stop posting the same question on all unban thread…


Is there no way to create a permanently stickied “ONLY THREAD FOR IG UNBANNING - ALL INFO HERE, DON’T GO ANYWHERE ELSE” (add sparkles, emojis and kitties) thread on the homepage/IG forum? :laughing:

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