Why can't MP connect with LinkedIn accounts?

Hey guys, anyone else having problems using the “Connector” tool in MP? I have set it to a conservative amount, just 10-20 connection requests per day. It worked fine up until a couple of weeks ago, now when MP tries to connect with a new user it basically does nothing.

The pop-up for “Add a custom note” briefly shows and then closes, and then MP just sits there. I’ve tried to manually click “Connect” and manually input a note, and then LinkedIn redirects me to a URL that says “action failed.”

Is there any word on any fix for this? I have clients expecting a certain amount of new connection requests each day… And nothing is happening…


If something doesn’t work with MP or the EB you can try a normal browser with the proxy you use in MP. If that also doesn’t work it is not MP related.
I heard that Linkedin becomes more strict every day with the number of actions you can make. Even the number of profile visits is limited now.


Alright thanks let me play around with it a bit and see if anything changes.

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