🏆 Winners of the Spring MPSocial Giveaway 2020

In case you missed it, here is what it was about and here are the voting results

The voting is closed, thank you to everyone that voted, I hope you liked the interesting stuff our members shared with you.

Now it’s time to say thanks and reward them for sharing with the rest of us what they knew best.

Without an further ado, here are our winners

  • 1st place @Hadi won 12 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 9 months of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 2nd place @Sebastien_Hamel won 6 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 4 months of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 3rd place @EthanWelby 6 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 4 months of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 4th place @jayskays 6 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 4 months of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 5th place @SBG won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 6th place @Winds won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 7th place @Looped31 won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 8th place @Joseph_Trillions won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 9th place @socialhad won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license
  • 10th place @instagramchief won 2 months of a Regular Jarvee license or 1 month of a Professional Jarvee license

Thank you again to everyone who participated, even if you won or not, I do hope this was fun and a nice experience for everybody! I am sure we’ll have a lot more participants next time :smiley:

For the winners

  • Contact @Stiletto with your Jarvee email so he’ll add the corresponding days to your accounts, if you don’t have one yet create it, then contact him.
  • It would be great if you could leave a reply to this topic about your experience with this giveaway, how was it, hard, easy? Should we do it again, should we change anything about how we do it, anything else that comes to mind is welcome.
  • Remember to keep your topics alive and continue to respond to people and help them. This was one of the requirements of entering the giveaway and will continue to be while you’re using your prize :slight_smile: I probably didn’t need to remind you about this last part as I am sure you’ve started to like it here and are already doing this on your own anyway :smiley:

Thank you! congrats to all :slight_smile:

Great competition and looking forward to the next one, I learnt so much over the duration of this giveaway :smiley:


I would like to thank everyone here on this forum for all the great feedback, and new information I learned.
I would recommend everyone to enter next time, it brought a lot of new ideas to this forum.
I’ve been reading posts here for a long time but only recently decided to sign up, I don’t regret it.
This was a great way to keep people busy during these times.
Stay safe everyone!


Congrats my man, your shares in the last 2 weeks were amazing :1st_place_medal:

You’re fully deserving this, so happy for you :muscle: :grinning:


It was a very cool giveaway, really enjoyed reading the different topics!

Would love, if there would be more of them.

Congrats to all! :raised_hands:


Congrats to the Winners and everyone who participated!

Waiting for your messages :slight_smile:

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Congratulations to the winners! Better luck next time for others :slight_smile:


Congratulations to all, learned a lot from you! :slight_smile:


Thank you to everyone who voted and especially to those who participated. I hope my idea helped you to start or improve! If I can help you please write to me in private and I will do my best to answer you.

Next giveaway I already have my idea and in the meantime I will make a topic about how I find my customers, how I keep their trust and impeccable service :slight_smile:

Be all careful!


Thank you very much for everything! It was interesting!


It was interesting. Really that’s is something you can do from times to times to help us (shy people) have the courage to give more to this amazing community.


It’s Internet. You can be anything you want, why would you choose to be shy? :slight_smile: be fearless, be brave, be…like me! :joy:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

What now? :joy:

You know me…

True, but idk it’s like jumping in a sea with a lot of shark when you are a dolphin lol and not sure if your method will be approved by the community.


It’s really simple, if it works for you and you wanna share it, then share it. It might work for someone else too. If it doesn’t work for them, well bad luck, or most likely, they did something wrong or didn’t take action at all.

Don’t hesitate to share.

WOW congratulations to you guys. :boom: You guys are spreading Gem :gem: in this community.
Keep it up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats to all the prize winners! My $0.02 is that this was a great initiative.

As someone who joined the forum around about the time the competition started, it was a great learning opportunity; it was easy to get involved and see the wealth of knowledge here.

The good nature of the competition also seemed to bring out the best of the forum - plenty of knowledge sharing, discussion, and great ideas flying around. I went from being a little bit cautious to feeling encouraged to get stuck in.

Hopefully, next time I’ll be able to share some of the things I’ve learned!

