Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked

My account got locked too and it tells me I have to add the security code that was sent to me even though I didn’t get one.

I heard that it was about two days then it would be unlocked, I see your comments from over that, is it working?

I’d suggest you wait 24 hours, then try again. Do you only get an option to verify the account using your phone number? it shows both email option and phone option on some accounts.

Not the same error. This is temp lock/verification and review comes after captcha>pv.

It only gives me the option to do my phone number even though I’m positive that I put in my email too. I tried to go through forget password>need more help> then I put in the steps for that and one question was “what email did you use for this account?” I put in the email and a few minutes later I got an email back saying to state the problem and all this other stuff. I did all of the steps and sent it, and I have not gotten a response. This was last night and I checked this morning and my accounts still locked. It’s been around 36 hours.

If the email was put but never comfirmed then it wont give you the email option fyi

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I’m positive it was confirmed but it doesn’t give the option to send to my email. When I did the help password thing though it sent to my email. My friend told me that my account was hacked, my old account was also hacked and since I used the same password that’s how it was hacked ( I’m so stupid).

GUYS MINE FINALLY WORKS AGAIN!!! It’s been 3.5 weeks and I didn’t have access to my old email that it tried to have me verify with and my phone wasn’t in there either. All I had was that it was connected to my Facebook with a current email address. Even at that, it wasn’t letting me login/ verify with FB. It also wouldn’t let me go through the “need more help”, I’d change the email but when it got to the profile part I couldn’t hit done. Although I was still getting emails and notification from Instagram so I guess it still worked?

I tried to go in on my iPad today and it finally let me verify and change my password with my current email connected to my FB. I’ve tried on my iPad in the past and it didn’t work. So I guess it just needed some more time for Instagram to compute that this is the right email and for me not to try to log in. THERE’S HOPE PEOPLE!


I have the same issue but the two ways to get the code via email or phone number I no longer have access to the old number or the gmail and I know the username but not password and won’t allow me to do anything I get a challenge_require or something similar to that it’s a personal account with family memories and also my business for self employment any help or ideas would be appreciated.:slight_smile:

Mine was personal too. How long has it been and do you have another device you can try to log in on? Have you tried clicking the “need more help”?

That’s great! I’m so happy for you! Would you mind helping me?

It was about 45 hours ago and I made the account with my phone number. It says that it was temporarily locked. When I try to get the code nothing sends. I don’t have a Facebook account. What should I do? I’ve tried logging in on the app, website, my laptop and my desktop. I’m not sure if I made the account with my email or with my number or both. If I want any email or something from the I need them to email, not text me but there is no possibility for that.

Ah okay yeah whenever I tried to add my phone number I never got a code. I try ink their phone codes just don’t work even a different account I have that wasn’t locked I went to do 2 factor authentication by adding my phone, never got a code. So email is def your best bet

I just read you previous posts it’s good you were able to add your email through the need more help. At this point I think it may just be a waiting game. All I can say is the first week all I did was try to get in. Then I went a week of not even touching Instagram for any account thinking that’d work. Didn’t work. Now it was an additional week and all of a sudden I was able to change my password and use my current email when I went in my iPad.

I think it’s just a waiting game sadly. Even during those 3 weeks I started to get emails from IG saying “see what’s been happening log back in” but wouldn’t let me log in because I was locked. So it probably just takes time from them to register that this is really you and your email and by not trying to login it doesn’t look like ur being hacked or phished.

Also DONT DELETE THE APP. I did that on my phone but not my iPad and even though I faced the same issue on iPad originally too I do think that deleting it makes it worse because it deleted your history and cookies I believe which would make it look like a new device.

Need more help is absolutely useless even though there is one there that is my exact problem it’s suggestion is completely irrelevant to helping me

Yeah mine didn’t even let me fully submit (couldn’t hit done) that’s why I’m surprised that it did change to my current email somehow. What do you mean by suggestion though? Mine just had me select an email —> add phone (optional) —> make sure profile hasn’t been affected and then hit done.

I can’t access so I’m not able to get a code and I’ve tried everything to recover email

I know that I’ve deleted the app twice on my phone :grimacing:. It’s been 2 and a half days for me. What made yours finally work?

I’m still not in

This whole thing is terrible. If you get into your account ever than change your password.

I’d say you probably have to give it a few weeks of not trying going in. That’s what I did like I said it was 3 1/2 weeks that the lock went away and I was able to change my password for the login screen on a different device

So did you finally get the code to unlock or did the lock just go away?

When I try to Need More Help I put in the info and sometimes I get an automatic message telling me to put the info on a paper and send nit to them but no one has gotten back to me. How long did it take for them to get back to you?