Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked

So you go into settings, then General, scroll to the bottom where it says Reset. There are different options, click the one that says Reset all settings. Make sure to have all your pics and info on the cloud ( i found that out the hard way).

@KERRY_CHMIELEWSKI did you manage to reactivate your account by resetting the phone?

Sort of, when I reset my iPhone ( If you don’t have an iPhone I don’t know how to help, Sorry) but on the iPhone when you reset it all of your apps and setting delete and I think that Instagram’s settings for our accounts restarted. Then I had a problem where I would get a text saying “I cannot receive a text at that time” but I could from other numbers. Than I went off of my wifi ( not just turning off the wifi but going onto someone else’s wifi) and that solved the problem.

i’ve had the same problem for a little over a week now. Facebook also won’t email me. any advice?

Is your problem on a FaceBook account or Instagram?

Does anyone know why its happening? does it mean someone hacked my personal account? I didn’t click on any links. I did give my username/password to a friend to login to look at something. It is because we logged on around the same time on different devices (this wouldn’t make sense tho bc its never happened on my business account with multiple people using it) or is it because they did something while in my account? Thanks for insight. not a tech person

It really depends on what they did. Sometimes your account can get hacked without clicking on links because a hacker guessed your password. I wouldn’t advise waiting for it to fix itself though because it can take up to a year.

That’s what happened to me today I didn’t Join Join any links but My instagram worked slowly and boom theses annoying massage came for no reason idk Why…

Hey guys my account just gave me the you’ve been temporarily locked from Instagram message. But I made my account years ago. It has the wrong email attached to it. I’m not sure what to do or how to get it back. Any help would be amazing.

Did you add your phone number to the account as well?

I don’t think so because it didn’t give me any other option than to send it to my email.

Are you able to get to that email?

No i can’t unfortunately

Was this email used before or was it just a typo and you never used this email?

How did you start the account then because don’t you need to varify an email when you start the account?

A typo in the email

I never did. It always had a notification saying I needed to do it. But I never did.

hello guys! I need help asap. .
Today I changed my phone number on instagram because I don’t have access to my old sim. After a few hours of my change instagram locked my account and asks to send text message to my old number which I don’t access to. I’m stressing a lot. What should I do. I tried every possible way but it still wants to send text to my old phone number.

I’m so sorry but I have no clue what do do. Maybe create that actual email but it probubly won’t work.

Did you have the option to put in your email?

no :frowning: I’m panicking a lot.