Another AC block wave/hard-block wave [2019-11]?

It’s a vicious cycle, really.

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Well i’m asking cause i’m also on dc’s but all kinds of setups caused pv’s and ac’s. Although only a small part. Blockfree however on all. Just wanted to find the cause of the partial wave. I didnt like 4g aswell plus didnt give any benefit on my end at least. Thanks for verifying.


Here’s what I’m noticing and it’s brilliant if it was intentional. The blocked proxies will eventually work after logouts and pushing through blocks, but most casual botters don’t have the patience for that or know how to get them to work. So they think all the proxies they try are shitty. Then when they think they have good proxies, they’ll get blocked again thinking their settings are shitty or the software is shitty. But ALL proxies will work at some point. Some start off working, others start off blocked.

It’s a genius little road block / hurdle to install, if it was on purpose. Eliminate people just starting out and casual automators. I don’t think it’s AI learning because AI would just block any weird proxy.


Maybe it’s a matter of how to test and go to the next level. Not to a goo-roo. But to someone who actually knows a little bit what he/she is doing, enough to not flounder anymore.

If I’ll start all over again, here’s what I’ll do… (pretty similar to what I’ve done when I was starting out).

1.) I’ll do research. But to speed things up, we’ll skip that here. What am I researching? Constants and variables.

2.) I’ll list down constants and variables.

Constants would be the tools or resources that I DEFINITELY need and I will not question whether it’s effective or not.

Variables just mean that I can change providers. And I recognize that this is where things could go wrong.

In this case, my constants would be Jarvee, SIM cards, and a basic phone or my own phone for verification.

People have been successful in earning money using Jarvee. Others have done it so it’s definitely effective. It’s just a matter of how I’ll use it.

SIM cards and a phone are the most basic requirements for having an account.

Variables would be accounts, proxies, and settings. These 3 are where most of my time will be spent on testing.

3.) Buy the constants, prepare the variables

Personally, I’ll definitely start with proxies. Knowing better now, I’d instead start with settings.

For settings
What I’ll do are two things… scour the forums for settings from reputable members. This forum or any other that features some good posts about IG marketing.


Message very very politely some members with really informative posts and ask them if they can guide me towards good settings. You’ll be surprised at how helpful people can be if you ask them.

When I started here, I was very lucky to find a really good mentor early on.

Anyway… I’d copy the settings and study them. If before, I’ll just follow them as is. But now, what I’ll do is craft 3 different settings - 50%, 75%, and copy as is. Percentage is based on the numbers provided on the settings I found or was given.

For proxies
I’m quite lucky. I started in the CPA side of Instagram (free followers, free iphone giveaways, leading to requiring your audience to download an app). Which means I need to get good proxies for the lowest price I can. Otherwise, I’d cut my profits by a huge margin.

Even luckier, when I started, 4G proxies are nothing but whispers. iPv6 was just starting. And residential proxies weren’t even being talked about in the circle I was in due to how expensive they were.

So my best choice was iPv4. Cheap and gets the job done.

Translating it to today, if I was starting out, I’ll still go with recommendations of the best contributors in the forum. But I’d definitely go with the least expensive option. I’m a miser.

Here’s how I test proxies… you could copy it or not, I don’t care. But this is what worked for me so far…

I’ll buy the lowest package possible from a prospective provider. I’ll create 1 account, EV and PV, fully-profile it, put it on the proxy, then let it rest for 24 hours.

Then, I’ll have that account follow 10 random followers of a famous account (e.g. kyliejenner, justinbieber, therock, etc.).

IF your account were able to follow 10 accounts successfully without any problem. then you have a good proxy!

IF your account received a PV or gets banned, proxy’s no good!

I’m tired and am typing all this after working all day. Only thing I’ll say is if your proxy is blacklisted (which is, imo, the only problem proxies can have in IG’s eyes), you won’t get anywhere near 10 before your account gets banned.

One time, an independent provider (an individual who sells proxies without a website) gave me free trial for 50 proxies. Tested 10, all my accounts got banned. Told the provider, he said it was my accounts that’s the problem.

The same accounts that have been working perfectly on proxies provided by an official proxy company. Whatever, never touched that guy’s proxies again with a ten-foot-pole.

Same thing happened with I think 4 other providers I tested til I found what works for me.

I digress.

For me, as long as the proxies allow you to follow 10 users without problems, it will serve its purpose. The only problem down the line would be if your provider let someone else use your proxies. I’ll explain below how to check for this.

For accounts
Before, I created accounts myself. It was easier then. Wayyyyyyy easier than today. So it was still feasible.

But if I’m starting today, I’ll just go with the most reputable vendor in the forum. If somebody gave you settings, I would follow-up with a very polite question of where they’re getting their accounts.

Props to @Fonzie. One of my VAs asked him account provider recommendations. One of his recos, I’ve been using for almost a year now excellent accounts and super cheap prices.

Before starting, this may be helpful for you to know. I have 2 phases I follow:

  • Warm-up phase
  • Running phase

Warming up is simple. The idea of warming up an account is to do activities on the account in increasing numbers for a certain period of time, working up to the current limits IG set.

In my case, I warm up accounts for 4 weeks.

This is just my experience, but after 4 weeks of warmup, an account is already ALMOST INVINCIBLE. Even back in my IG+CPA days, if an account has been warmed up for a month, it can follow up to 1500 per day without getting banned. Some of my accounts even gained followers without me noticing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Moving on… for warming-up, basic thing to remember is to go really really slow. Bit by bit, you need to reach your target number. To save time, here’s the current warm-up settings I use.

Note: The story viewing part, I’m not following anymore. I’m still figuring out that part but right now, I’m setting them by feel.

So… how to test?

This is for already warmed-up accounts.

I’ll get 3 proxies, 3 accounts, and the settings.

(… my eyes are closing now. Will continue later)


I’m doing zero warm up. Straight to max actions on EB.


I’m doing the same, even with new accounts. The myth about warm-up should be finally busted. Warming up an account with +1 follow per day is getting you nowhere. Even if you successfully “warmed up” the account after a decade, Instagram made XY updates and you’re pretty much fucked anyways.

For every account: I put the account on the proxy after max. 24 hours I start the actions. The most I do is 25% or 50% of the actions on the first 1-2 days, but I even doubt that this does something, more likely Placebo. When the account gets blocked, I stop the tool/tools for this day and continue on the next day. What I see from my side is, there are always some blocks in the first days which clear up after few days with stopping / resting few times with the above explained. After 3-5 days, most of the times, the account is running fine.


users started to get their accounts disabled or permantly blocked, is there any one here have experienced this situation yet ?

It’s not like we’re doing the actions we used to do, so I don’t see a need for warm up.

I guess I do a tiny warmup:

100 F and 100 likes first day. Up to 150 F and 200 likes next day. UF starts at 150 (it’ll self warm up since we only did 100 likes first day).

We are the last hope ,Come on, guys !Combat 。

Arent you getting ACs watching so many Stories daily? I suppose you are watching them with API and using scrappers? At that speed Scrappers will be burnt daily, curious about this, thanks for the tips.

@kraadnc , thanks for sharing, it has sense. I am doing different warm up test and I will share results. I totally agree with @Noirorion about proxies. The problem here is more about warm ups, settings and trust score.

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@Race44 @roy

Very very interesting.

I come from the old days so I’ve always felt the need for warming up the accounts is like the gospel.

But with your results, my whole business will be revamped. Thank you so much for sharing.

I had to turn down a lot of clients in the past because they were not okay with the 1-month warm-up which means no results for their first month’s money. So I hope you realize how much of an impact this will have in my business in the future.

Okay, my senses are up again and I can’t afford that. I will put a pin on testing this no-warmup change for later. I hope I can stop thinking about this soon.

I truly think you can only get disabled/permanent block if your account is entirely spam Instagram wouldn’t make the algo too sensitive as to prevent regular accounts from being banned

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Since automation has a huge crackdown and lots of casual ones are going out, each action done brings more results because target accounts don’t get flooded with automations anymore :smiley:


I would prefer to have more competition and to be able to do as many actions as we did before! Come on! Instagram is huge!, there is space for everybody!

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yep on good accounts i do get out of 150 Follows around 50 new Follower :wink: wasn’t possible early this year :wink:

can i know please on the warmup spredshit what does sv and post-warmup means ?

Yeah but now you can do less with better results.

quality over quantity…

yall crazy, its good that so many cheap skunks quit the game and moved to fck up the market elsewhere, everything thats easy and good money will attract a lot of bums that eventually ruin the market. Time to charge way more.

thats MACROECONOMICS 101 not my opinion before someone flips and gets upset for me.

@Race44 @roy @kraadnc I think it rly depends if we’re talking about client or slave/cpa accounts here. With clients you might not need a warm-up, but in my experience for slaves (completely fresh accounts) it’s definetly better to avoid blocks and early disables