Instagram Account Disabled - "We'll review your info and if we can confirm it, you'll be able to request a review in the Help Center within approximately 24 hours."

You will not get a reply, or if you do it will be very delayed - Appeal rejected or accepted makes no difference for that.
Just keep requesting via the form and sending back selfies until you get tired of it :smiley:

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I am submitting an appeal everyday, but I haven’t received a request for a selfie since. Does that mean that my emails were blocked and no matter how many forms I send, they will never reply?

Not receiving a code can have a multitude of reasons:

  • Account is temp-blocked for too many requests
  • IP/device has submitted too many requests/they are deemed 'unnatural
  • Email address used is blocked from further requests
  • Appeal form is broken

The last point is not true at the moment, I would try another Email and/or IP combination.

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Gmail trick doesn’t work anymore on Instagram. You should enter a completely different email address if the email address you used is blocked.

Hi guys
I used a third party app to check my unfollowed followers which I have done for ages now but today when logging back into my account with the usual verification it said I’ll be able to access my account after it’s reviewed. It’s a 24k + account and I’m still waiting to see what happens after 24 hours but I’m really worried!! Can someone update me on what I must do if it does get disabled. What links I should use, emails , contacts etc.

Sorry if this has been asked many times on here.

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You can skip the Gmail trick (it doesn’t works anymore and is not needed for a single account)

The account will most likely get disabled. First of all try to log in using the IG app, follow the instructions from IG, and submit the appeal form from IG app. If it somehow doesn’t work for you, open this link on your PC Instagram Help Center enter the email address connected with the account and the other details, then submit it. If you get an error message, try using a different email, see if you can submit the form. Recovering disabled account needs patience. I believe you have a better chance of recovering your account than those users whose accounts got disabled because of impersonation and copyright issue.

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I’m just gonna wait until the 24 hour review thing is gone and see if it gets disabled because I can’t appeal until that happens. My friend had the same issue but after the 24 hour review he got his account back and it wasn’t disabled/deleted.

Hey I just got this same notification - did you get your account back?

This is the rarest things ever happen… I have never heard anyone accounts got recovered after 34 reviews… You’re the first one :laughing:

Hey guys I managed to get my account back. Thank you so much for all the help!

My account is linked to a Facebook business so I managed to talk to a person live through my phone using the help center on the Facebook app. Within a couple of hours I got it back. I tried the appeal forms too but I don’t think those did anything but it may be that they helped me get reactivated as well.

I think Instagram has gotten a little better with sorting these issues as of recently in comparison to last year and even January of this year hopefully they up their customer support system because the process is ridiculous.

Hello my friend… please can you tell me the steps that you did it?..
I don’t have Facebook business…
Can i talk to Facebook center by normal Facebook?
And what is the word that you told them?
I have same problem
Do you wait for the expiry of 24 hours?
Me too was used the unfollow program…

I just got another 24h review block. I than talked with a FB agent that told me that it was probably because of some ads i did (nothing wrong with the ads, they just got rejected in the first try and than after i ask to review, the are approved)
This agent was able to make an appeal for me before i have the option to appeal on the app. I still don’t know if this is going to work, i will update as soon as i get any information

Edit: Didn’t work, my acount got disabled… Will start the appealing process again…

Instagram might ask for old verification information (Phone Number/Email) if they suspect things like phishing or a compromised account, especially after you recently changed those things.

You won’t be able to bypass this.
You could mark your account as hacked but that might take a while and in the end still might prompt you to use the old email, so it might be easier trying to regain access to it.

Hi, to re-appeal, I should use the same selfie ? Or a different selfie ?

yes, the same one should work fine.

About the appealing form, I found this : « Always pick the United States even if you’re not from the US » I don’t live in the US, so I should pick the US from county option ? But Instagram can see my location IP ?

Hi People,

I have been getting this information for the past 24 hours, can someone help me recover my account, please.


try to check what is writing above you will find good explanations and ways to deal with that issue.