Mass-Following (Limits decreased, Service price decreased)

You sell your services for $30/mo?

Leaving a lot of money on the table there…

I’d shoot for $149 - $499/mo per account that way you can create an actual business.

In regards to reducing pricing due to growth I would stay firm. Your operating expenses haven’t changed and either should your price.

Try adding more value with other action types such as the like comment and story viewer tool. So far I have been getting okay results with adding those additonal actions into the mix.

Hope this helps!

More clients, more headaches. Minimum effort leads to higher churn. Not my model but to each their own.

I still think staying firm on price is the way to go. Find a way to keep your pricing the same because once you go down you’re going to have a really hard time going back up.

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Can you link your website? I would like to know how the people on here advertise themselves

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Agree 1 billion percent

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It’s part of the hustle. Don’t be scared.


Why be Apple when you can be Nokia, right? :roll_eyes:

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think about how much money you could be making if you thought these people how to get good sources and raised your prices?

@vlaa can you message me on my email ( I’d like to buy your service;

Keep same price.
Someone want to leave ? decrease it.

I went the opposite. Raised all my rates for existing customers by $50. Raised my new customer rate by $120. I’m doing more work. I want more money.


You were undercharging significantly to begin with. I don’t even see $30 as worth the effort of logging into the account on my software lmao.


ohh this topic is still on? I forgot about it, I increased the prices already.


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Good to hear. We are not trying to pick on you. We just want the best for everybody.

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no no, everything is cool I understood ))

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never assure an estimated followers. Always ensure growth in the account.


Like not to stick to numbers or what do you mean?

Paid advertising is where the money and pretty much most passive income comes from

(If you live in the us)

I wouldn’t charge lower than $147/mo if you are just starting. Here there is a perceived value in price…

We see stuff that is more expensive and automatically assume its better due to the increased price

Along with charging more for your service you will get better quality clients that are less of a headache to deal with

You aren’t just charging $xxx per xxx followers you are charging for your time, cost of running and knowledge when it comes to instagram

And i wouldnt ever really take on influencers or people that have nothing to sale since they wont ever see a monetary roi for our service reach out to local businesses

Personal trainers
“Yuppie” coffee shops etc

Businesses that should be living on instagram

Ideally you would charge lower to start and get case studies proof of concept and then increase price with the more people you are managing

And always upsell with other services
Fb ads
Content creation (if local)
Consulting and coaching for general growth and building a community around their audiance

There are tons of things you can upsell to increase revenue/profit as well as client ltv

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“Do you have a guarantee?”

“Yes, I guarantee if you don’t take action and let us help you grow your instagram account you will be in the same place as you have been.”

Learning how to communicate with clients and sell is important. Charging $30/mo is chump change and literally lowers the perceived value of our services (at least in the US) and makes everyone else have to compete with your dirt cheap prices dont do this it hurts everyone’s business and profit margins

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I just think there are different kind of services and it’s a wide range:

On the one end you can offer premium services which do f/uF but also consulting for premium clients. You put in a lot of time and effort and are “always available” and your churn rate is low (prices are high)

On the other end you can go for a full automized service and e-commerce infrastructure and just sell online and are “never available” as the option does not even exist and have a higher churn rate (prices are low)

And you can also do everything in between.

It’s not just Black and White. High price is good low price is bad. It just depends on your strategy.

Let’s say: You want to become market leader!

Does not really matter in which niche. But there are two viable strategys:

  1. you are the best (technology leader)
  2. you are the cheapest (price leader)

Of course it’s better for all of us if prices are as high as possible. But that does not mean that being cheap and going for the mass is a bad strategy.

That’s my opinion.