New here. Just trying to grow my photography business

Hey guys. I’m fairly new to all this. I remember years ago using Facebook friend request software to grow accounts. Before they really limited stuff. But been away for years. Im not familiar with most the new sites and what’s currently working. Came here off a post on reddit. I actually tried the hashtag tool in the reddit post and results were horrible for me compared to just using regular common tags. So obviously I need to learn how to properly use it and what works and what not.

I’m a photographer that doesn’t take the photos the horny IG “photographers” take. So its hard to get more followers and feedback. I do want to grow primarily to push a blog and eventually enter photo contests.

I’m looking around and heard of jarvee from years ago. I’ll definitely try it out. Anyone have any advice on what to start reading that’s up to date on IG?


Hi @keenon,

Welcome to MPsocial

You need to choose hashtags that fit your account size. Initial likes and comments come from your followers, if you don’t have enough of them and use only popular hashtags, you’ll post will be pushed down pretty fast.

Here’s an old post about hashtags that you should check out:


Hi there @keenon! You’re definitely in the right place - MP’s the best social media forum :grinning:

Having spent over a day reading threads here since I joined a month ago, I’m just going to save you some time by rattling off links to threads that might be worth reading, particularly with your business in mind:

First, if you’re looking at Jarvee, you’ll want to check out this thread all about the best settings for IG in 2020. It’s worth bearing in mind that automation is harder nowadays (or so I’ve heard!)

Tips from an interview with two experts on network creation:

Some really easy, actionable improvements for your posts, if you’re wanting to include Calls To Action:

Lastly, here’s some inspiration on using TikTok as a sales funnel to increase your personal brand - particularly relevant in the photography niche.

Alex has 7.7m followers now…

There’s way too much here for me to list, so get searching - that tool is incredibly powerful!


Nice to see that old hashtag thread open up again :fire: I learned so much from that one over the years

Welcome @keenon, you’ll find some great stuff on here :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you all. Definitely reading up and learning.