Two years ago I wrote the guide named “[Guide] Spinning for advanced users”.
I think it’s time for a second part to this guide.
Do note: This is not for beginners.
If you don’t know the basics of spinning, you should first read a basic guide on this subject.
In this part I will show how to build and use complex spintax in a much easier way.
When we look at a short spintax, like this one, it’s easy to understand what it does, so it’s easy to edit and debug it:
{hi|hello|hi there}
But most people have a hard time with long and complex spintax.
Look at this example.
The spintax is valid, but it will not do what you expect it to do.
Try to find the bug in this spintax, and you’ll see how hard it is to spot:
{{BunnyBot|Bunny-Bot} is the best tool for {marketing|{Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW}|growing your {Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW} account}|Use {BunnyBot|Bunny-Bot} to grow your {Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW} account}
This is the de-buged spintax:
{{BunnyBot|Bunny-Bot} is the best tool for {marketing|{Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW}|growing your {Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW} account}|Use {BunnyBot|Bunny-Bot} to grow your {{Instagram|IG}|{Facebook|FB}|{Tweeter|TW}} account}
And guys, please don’t DM me asking where to buy BunnyBot… Only rabbits use this tool
So, how can we make things easier?
We will build the complex spintax in a couple of steps.
In the first step, we will build the basic spintax:
It’s very easy to understand what this spintax does, right?
It just picks between a and b.
Now lets take a short break just to make sure we all understand these not-so-basic spintax:
This one
just picks between a and b, but will pick a 75% of the times, and b 25% of the times.
And this one
will pick a 90% of the times and b 10% of the times.
This one
will pick a 50% of the times, and pick nothing 50% of the times.
And this one
will pick a 25% of the times, and pick nothing 75% of the times.
As a side note, let’s see a few real life examples of using these.
Example 1:
If you want to post this: Have a nice day
Why not add {|.|!} at the end, like this: Have a nice day{|.|!}
(do note that I didn’t add a space after the word day)
which will give you these 3 versions:
Have a nice day
Have a nice day.
Have a nice day!
Example 2:
If you want to post an emoticon comment with a variable length (1 to 6 emoticons), like this:
You could use this spintax:
But that’s a lot of work.
It’s much easier to use this:
The first emoticon will always appear (so you have at least 1), and then we have 5 emoticons that can either appear (50%) or not appear (50%).
If they all appear, we will get the longest version (6 emoticons).
If they all don’t appear, we will get the shortest version (1 emoticon).
And of course all other possibilities can also occur (2, 3, 4, 5 emoticons).
Example 3:
Let’s use emoticons again, but this time we will use 3 different emoticons, and we still want a variable length (1 to 6 emoticons).
The first emoticon will always appear (so you have at least 1), and then we have 5 emoticons that can either appear (50%) or not appear (50%).
If you didn’t understand something up to here, please stop and ask, as we’re now going to use all this knowledge to take this a step further.
Let’s say that I want to use 2 completely different sentences in 1 spintax:
{Have a good day|Do you like rabbits?}
This is easy to build and to understand.
But it only gives me 2 possibilities, and I need more (so I don’t get banned).
Oh, I know, instead of rabbits I can say bunnies:
{Have a good day|Do you like {rabbits|bunnies}?}
This is still easy to build and to understand.
Do note that this:
{Have a good day|Do you like {rabbits|bunnies}?}
is different than this:
{Have a good day|Do you like rabbits?|Do you like bunnies?}
Can you spot the difference?
Let’s make sure you can:
They will both give you 3 possibilities, but the chance of getting each one is different.
In the second one, each one of the 3 possibilities has a 33.3% chance of getting picked.
33.3% of getting: Have a good day
33.3% of getting: Do you like rabbits?
33.3% of getting: Do you like bunnies?
But in the first one we will get:
50% of getting: Have a good day
25% of getting: Do you like rabbits?
25% of getting: Do you like bunnies?
Make sure you understand why these numbers are different before you move on.
Now let’s build a longer spintax:
{Have a good day|Do you like {rabbits|bunnies|apples|oranges|peanuts|carrots|candy|beer|water}?}
This is a mistake that many people make.
They think that they built a great spintax, that will give them 10 possibilities, so they won’t get banned.
But, and this is a big but, the first option (Have a good day) will be picked 50% of the time (and not 10%), and they will most likely get banned.
Now let’s see how I would suggest you build a long and complicated spintax.
Remember how easy it is too look at this spintax
and to understand that we will get a 50% of the time and b 50% of the time?
So I can expand this to 4 options like this:
and each one of the 4 options will get a 25% chance to be picked.
What I do now is use Notepad (or any text editor you like),
and write exactly that:
and then I also write the 4 different options I want:
Have a good day{|.|!}
Do you like {rabbits|bunnies|apples|oranges|peanuts|carrots|candy|beer|water}?
Before I proceed, I double check each one of these sentences, to make sure that their spintax is good.
So my Notepad looks like this:
Now I copy the first sentence, and paste it where the a is:
and I do the same with the 2nd sentence (replaces b),
3rd sentence (replaces c)
and 4th sentence (replaces d),
to get:
and what I got is my final spintax, ready for use:
{Have a good day{|.|!}| {|
}|Do you like {rabbits|bunnies|apples|oranges|peanuts|carrots|candy|beer|water}?|{
It looks very complicated, and if I tried to write it like that I would probably make many mistakes.
But by building 4 separate spintax sentences and then combining them, it was much easier…
That’s it.
Now you too can build long and complex spintax.