Vote For The Favorite Topic from the Autumn Giveaway

It’s time to vote for your favorite topic from Autumn Giveaway!

Please give your vote on the shares that you liked the most, in case you missed them, you can see them all below. May the best topic win!

Even there were only a few participants and not as many as we expected, threads created have great value and they will be really helpful for the community and those who want to know more. You can check them here:

Also, let’s give a big THANK YOU to @Stiletto who provided the Jarvee licenses given as prizes, and @Tal_Klinger who provided proxies as prizes.

  • Facebook Group Marketing 2021 by @Tal_Klinger
  • How I make money with jarvee! by @anon95987977
  • How I grow Linkedin accounts using Jarvee by @Jaha
  • How To Make 5-6 Figures A Month Using Jarvee in 2021-2022? by @Adi_Ankonina

0 voters

We will keep the poll open until 13th of December.
Good luck to everybody and may the best shares win!


Good luck to everyone :slight_smile: And thanks for those awesome topics :pray:

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Who will get in touch with me?

I will get in touch with you, congratulations :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Congratulations to all participants, thank you for your contribution and hope to see you again next time!

Thanks, @milina, I really enjoyed reading all articles that participated. Congrats @anon95987977 :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

I wish you all best of luck in the future with your businesses :slight_smile:


Congrats @anon95987977 :handshake:

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Thanks @Eleoen

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