So this is my first post on MPsocial, i’m going to share a method I am successfully using with multiple clients using JARVEE.
Some might love this method, some might hate it, but i’ll share it anyways.
I call this method the Custom Growth Feed.
-No need for an expensive 4g or residential proxy
-No more blocks
-Client has full control
-Client can use the account on their phone whenever they want
-Some manual work is needed
What the client will do:
The client will go to their instagram accounts on their phones, go to their saved posts, click on a collection JARVEE created, and follow all the users in that list. All the accounts in that collection will have gone through filters on JARVEE, this way they will be scrolling and following users from a custom feed with accounts that passed the filters, no wasting time following accounts that are inactive, or from another niche. After a few days the Client can go and unfollow the users from that collection. If the client wants to keep an account that followed them back they can simply remove their saved post from the collection in order not to unfollow them along with the others.
This method wont get blocks as we will be using JARVEE to save posts, I’ve successfully saved 1000 posts in 2 hours on an account with no pictures and no followers, running on a datacenter proxy. I got no block during this test and the posts were saved successfully. You can set the number of posts to be saved to your liking.
I’m going to share my settings below.
The method:
- First, set up the like tool on a scrapper account, set your filters and sources to your clients needs. (alternatively set it up directly on the main account, and use a slave tag for the scrapers as explained here)
- Set the scrapper/main account to automatically send the extracted posts to the save posts tool of your main account.
- On the main account, go to the save posts tool, and set the options to the following:
-Save a max of 200 posts per day (you can set it to whatever you like)
-Save users most recent post to 1
-Save max 1 post per user
-Save to specific collection, create new collection when it reaches x (I use 60).
-Go to the sources tab, click on save specific post by URL - The client goes into their saved posts and will have a bunch of folders with around 60 saved posts in each, they will then click on a collection filled with content that JARVEE saved, and start following users and liking whatever picture they want to like.
-I recommend you do this using collections so that the client can keep track of which users they followed, and they will also have all the users in the same list when they want to unfollow them a few days later.
-I recommend filling each collection with a max of 60 posts, putting more will just make it difficult for the client to keep track.
-I asked JARVEE to create an option which automatically creates a new collection and starts saving to it when the previous one reaches lets say 200 posts. They told me it was something specific to my needs, maybe if you guys like this method they’ll add it. UPDATE: more details about this here.
-Tell the client not to spam follow, they will get an action block if they do, but an action block is better than getting a bigger block for using jarvee.
- The reason this works is Instagram doesn’t monitor saving posts as an action, so you can save as many as you want though JARVEE without getting blocked. When the client is following the accounts it will look 100% human to instagram since the client will be doing the final steps themselves.
Tell me what you guys think of this.