Need help please my account says it’s compromised

My Instagram tells me that & I forgot my password used to log in with my Facebook. It’s been like that for 5 days now anyone has any help ? Please

Use the magnifying glass in the upper right. There’s lots of talk about this already.


Don’t see anything where the person don’t know that password . Have you experienced this before ?

Reset the password

I created the account like 4 years ago . The contact number and email address are not in use . So I can’t get the reset password link

did you tried to press the blue button “change password” ?


you still got access to the email your account is connected with?

I did try this , but I don’t know my current password . I used to use my Facebook details to always log in or my fingerprint

I don’t have access to the email & number . So I’m stuck

Try to log in from browser with your facebook acc

Gives me the same error even if I use a different device

If you lost the access to the og email and phone attached to it, and you don’t remember the current password then I guess that complicates things.

Did you had your acc connected to any automation software?
You could also try to search in chrome - settings - passwords, maybe is saved there somewhere…

I had it connect to a app to see who don’t follow back & I was using the app to unfollow than this happen . Thank you I’ll check now

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This often happens with apps and bots and it is quite a common message since june we are all battling it. Change your password and rest your account for a couple of days. The forum is full with threads on this exact topic. See here:

topic that has been discussed many times before
use search button